Amna Al Hosani

Amna Al Hosani Child Protection Lead SpecialistAbu Dhabi Early Childhood AuthorityAbu Dhabi, UAE  

Aamnah Husain

Aamnah Husain Counseling PsychologistPsychiatry and Therapy CentreDubai, UAE

Abdulaziz Al Anoohi

Abdulaziz Al Anoohi Senior CoordinatorLearning Shared ServiceAbu Dhabi, UAE

Dr. Adeela Khalid

Dr. Adeela Khalid Clinical PsychologistLicensed Mental Health ProfessionalResponse Plus Medical Abu Dhabi, UAE

Adel BinHdaya AlFalasi

Adel Bin Hdaya AlFalasi Stroke Survivor Mental Health Advocate & Functional Recovery Assistance (FRA) Dubai, UAE

Dr. Ahmed Salem Quateen

Dr. Ahmed Salem Quateen Consultant Neurosurgeon, STMCAssistant Professor, McMaster UniversityAl Ain, UAE

Dr. Ahmed Shatila

Dr. Ahmed Shatila Consultant NeurologistSheikh Shakhbout Medical CityAbu Dhabi, UAE

Prof. Allan Young

Prof. Allan Young Professor of PsychiatryChair, Academic PsychiatryHead of Psychiatry, Imperial College LondonEmeritus Director, Centre for Affective DisordersDepartment of Psychological MedicineInstitute of Psychiatry, Psychology and NeuroscienceKing’s College London, London, United Kingdom

Audrey Katsidzira

Audrey Katsidzira Head of TherapiesChild & Adolescent Mental Health ServicesLead Clinical PsychologistAspris Wellbeing CentreAbu Dhabi, UAE    

Dr. Ayesha Almemari

Dr. Ayesha Almemari Consultant Emergency Medicine and Critical CareSheikh Shakhbout Medical CityAbu Dhabi, UAE

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interactive workshops, and networking opportunities.


© 2025, 5th Abu Dhabi Integrated Mental Health Conference.